Recent Water Damage Posts

What Our Customers Say

6/18/2024 (Permalink)

Google reviews are incredibly important for small businesses like ours because they help others see the quality of our work through real customer experiences. Positive reviews build trust and make us stand out, often helping new customers decide to choose us over others. They also give us valuable feedback so we can keep improving. We’re truly grateful every time someone takes a moment to share their thoughts. In this blog, we want to highlight some recent reviews to show our appreciation and give you a glimpse of what it’s like to work with us.

Richard said, "This the second time we have used SERVPRO of Phenix City, [Eufaula & Tuskegee]. Susan is always great, Sam is remarkable and Paxton, Edwin and Matt were very helpful. I will always ask for this office for any remediation needs. They communicate and give heads up when enroute and answer all questions."

Todd shared, "My mom’s bathroom and bedroom flooded and the SERVPRO® team was great. Edwin, Paxton, John, Corey and Tony really did a great job getting things moved and dried out. I appreciate Edwin communicating what was being done, as I was out of town. Thanks to these guys for a great job."

Janet wrote, "This group is exceptional!! Quick to Respond, showed up on time, friendly and with all required to do the job well. Took their time with details and cleaned up behind themselves. I cannot recommend enough- Thank you Edwin, Paxton, Eddie and Cory as well as Hewston. You exceeded expectations. Well done."

These are only a few of our recent reviews. Head over to Google to read more of our customer's experiences! Thank you for the opportunity to serve our local community. 

What's Your Flood Risk?

9/21/2021 (Permalink)

Floods can occur in any season. Anywhere it rains, it can flood!

If you don't know your flood risk, we have a tip for you! You can visit this website and enter your address to figure out your flood risk level. We thought this FEMA tool was great and so we wanted to dedicate an entire blog post to sharing it with you. We encourage each of you to take a look so you can determine your risk level and be prepared.

SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252!

NPM 2021: Week Three "Low-Cost, No-Cost Preparedness"

9/14/2021 (Permalink)

Welcome to Week 3 of National Preparedness Month! This week is dedicated to Low-Cost, No-Cost Preparedness. 

Here are a few ways that you & your family can be prepared for disaster for no-cost or low-cost. Thanks as always to for creating such great resources for us to share!

  • Download or order your free preparedness products to help your family plan and prepare for the next emergency.
  • Drills aren’t just for your toolbox. Practice emergency drills with your family regularly. 
  • Emergencies can happen anytime, and less than half of American families have a communication plan. Plan ahead: 
  • Make preparing fun for kids! Go on a scavenger hunt around your house for items you already have to add to your disaster supply kit. Follow this list: and see how many items you can check off!
  • Know what disasters and hazards could affect your area, how to get emergency alerts, and where you would go if you and your family need to evacuate. Visit:

SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252!

NPM 2021: Week Two "Build a Kit"

9/7/2021 (Permalink)

Welcome to Week 2 of National Preparedness Month! The theme for this week is "Build a kit." even has a printable version of their list, so be sure to visit their website if you'd like to have a list you can check off one-by-one. 

A basic supply kit should include at least...

  • Water and non-perishable food for several days Extra cell phone battery or charger
  • Battery-powered or hand crank radio that can receive NOAA Weather Radio tone alerts and extra batteries
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Whistle to signal for help
  • Dust mask, to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place
  • Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
  • Non-sparking wrench or pliers to turn off utilities Can opener (if kit contains canned food)
  • Local maps

Consider these additional items based on you and your household's needs to also add to your emergency supply kit.

  • Prescription medications and glasses
  • Infant formula and diapers
  • Pet food, water and supplies for your pet
  • Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account records in a portable waterproof container
  • Cash and change
  • Emergency reference material such as a first aid book or information from
  • Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person. Consider additional bedding if you live in a cold-weather climate.
  • Complete change of clothing including a long sleeved shirt, long pants and sturdy shoes. Consider additional clothing if you live in a cold-weather climate.
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • Matches in a waterproof container
  • Feminine supplies, personal hygiene items and hand sanitizer
  • Mess kits, Paper cups, plates and disposable utensils, paper towels
  • Paper and pencil
  • Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children

If you don't have a kit already, don't wait any longer! We hope that this blog helps give you ideas on what to put in your kit or add to your current kit in order to ensure that you are prepared. 

SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252!

How Much Does One Inch of Water Cost?

9/1/2021 (Permalink)

We recently saw a graphic from FEMA that we found so interesting we wanted to dedicate an entire blog post to it! We also shared it on our social media. If you aren't already following us on your preferred social media, scroll up to the top of our webpage and click the logo of your favorite social media to be taken directly to our page. 

This graphic was a fact about flooding. It stated that ONE inch of water can cause $25,000 in damages to a home. WOW! This is why flood insurance can be so crucial if your home or business is at risk. Would you have guessed that one inch would cause that much damage? More or less? Let us know by messaging us on social media!

SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252! 

Staying Safe During A Tuskegee Flood

8/25/2021 (Permalink)

Floods can happen for a variety of reasons. Most often in our area, we see flooding during severe weather. We are here for you 24/7/365 when your Tuskegee home or business is damaged due to flood. We also want to make sure our community knows how to stay safe! Here's how to stay safe during a flood according to our friends over at

  • Evacuate immediately, if told to evacuate. Never drive around barricades. Local responders use them to safely direct traffic out of flooded areas.
  • Contact your healthcare provider If you are sick and need medical attention. Wait for further care instructions and shelter in place, if possible. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 9-1-1.
  • Listen to EAS, NOAA Weather Radio or local alerting systems for current emergency information and instructions regarding flooding.
  • Do not walk, swim or drive through flood waters. Turn Around. Don’t Drown!
  • Stay off bridges over fast-moving water. Fast-moving water can wash bridges away without warning.
  • Stay inside in your if it is trapped in rapidly moving water. Get on the roof if water is rising inside the car.
  • Get to the highest level if trapped in a building. Only get on the roof if necessary and once there signal for help. Do not climb into a closed attic to avoid getting trapped by rising floodwater.

SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252! 

Flooding In Your Phenix City, Alabama Home

8/5/2021 (Permalink)

Each year we like to share our tips on what to do and what NOT to do after flooding. Make sure to keep our number handy in your phone and give us a call ANY time, 24/7/365.

After any water damage situation, your primary focus should be safety first:

  • Is it safe to stay in the house?
  • Electrical and "slip and fall" hazards are some of the most prevalent concerns.
  • Only do activities that are safe for you to perform.
  • Wet materials can be VERY heavy. Be careful!

What To Do After Flooding

  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
  • Gather loose items from floors.

What NOT To Do After Flooding

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don't leave books, magazines or other colored items on wet carpet or floors.
  • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Don't use television or other household appliances.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging

SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252! 

Six Steps We Take To Help

9/12/2020 (Permalink)

Water damage, small or large, is stressful enough by itself and we understand that here at our SERVPRO office.

We've talked about what you can expect from us on our blog before, but it has been a while. Let's have a refresh! We want to help you through this process as quickly and as easily as we can. Here are a few steps that we take to ensure that you are well taken care of:

Step 1: You give us a call. We will guide you through the crisis and may ask several questions to help us better understand the equipment and resources that we will need for your job. 

Step 2: Inspection and assessment. We determine the scope of your water damage at this stage. We inspect and test to determine the extent of damage and how far the moisture has traveled to ensure proper and complete restoration.

Step 3: The water removal process begins almost immediately and removes the majority of the water. We use powerful pumps and vacuum units to quickly remove hundreds or thousands of gallons from your property, which helps prevent secondary water damage and mold growth.

Step 4: Drying and dehumidification. We use specialized equipment to remove the remaining water that is harder to access. Our trained Professionals will use room measurements, temperature, and relative humidity to determine the optimal number of air movers and dehumidifiers needed to dry your home or business.

Step 5: Cleaning and sanitizing. We clean all of the restorable items and structures damaged by the water. We are adept at cleaning contents using a number of techniques. Our professionals are trained to provide sanitizing treatments and to remove odors and deodorize your property.

Step 6: Restoration. Restoration is the process of restoring your home or business to its pre-water damage condition. Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall and installing new carpet, or may entail major repairs, such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in a home or business.

SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252!

The Most Common Natural Disaster

9/11/2020 (Permalink)

Flooding is a temporary overflow of water onto land that is normally dry. Did you know that it is the most common natural disaster in the United States? 

Flooding can have many causes. It could be from rain, snow, coastal storms, storm surge, and overflows of dams and other water systems. 

Flash floods can come with no warning. They can happen slowly or happen quickly. 

If your home or business is impacted by flooding, give us a call 24/7.

SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252!

NPM Week 2: Build a Kit

9/8/2020 (Permalink)

Welcome to Week 2 of National Preparedness Month! We're sharing resources from our friends at each week this month. You can visit their website for additional information about NPM.

This week's topic is to build a kit. 

Let's start with the basics of building a kit. What should you include in it? After an emergency, you may need to survive on your own for several days. A disaster supplies kit is a collection of basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency.

To assemble your kit store items in airtight plastic bags and put your entire disaster supplies kit in one or two easy-to-carry containers such as plastic bins or a duffel bag.

A basic emergency supply kit could include the following recommended items:

  • Water (one gallon per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation)
  • Food (at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food)
  • Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert
  • Flashlight
  • First aid kit
  • Extra batteries
  • Whistle (to signal for help)
  • Dust mask (to help filter contaminated air)
  • Plastic sheeting and duct tape (to shelter in place)
  • Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties (for personal sanitation)
  • Wrench or pliers (to turn off utilities)
  • Manual can opener (for food)
  • Local maps
  • Cell phone with chargers and a backup battery

Stay tuned for our next blog post discussing the recommended additional emergency supplies. 

SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252!

Make A Plan

9/4/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Industries, Inc. is once again proud to promote the importance of preparedness planning for National Preparedness Month!

This week, September 1-5th, the focus is to make a plan. We're sharing all of the resources from our friends over at

Make a plan today. Your family may not be together if a disaster strikes, so it is important to know which types of disasters could affect your area. Know how you’ll contact one another and reconnect if separated. Establish a family meeting place that’s familiar and easy to find.

  • Step 1: Put a plan together by discussing the questions to start your emergency plan.
  • Step 2: Consider specific needs in your household.
  • Step 3: Fill out a Family Emergency Plan.
  • Step 4: Practice your plan with your family/household. 

Those four steps can make a huge difference when disaster strikes. Make it your goal to make a plan this weekend. 

SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252!

Flooding: What To Do & What To NOT Do

6/20/2020 (Permalink)

Storms can cause many different types of flooding that could impact your home or business. After any water damage situation, your primary focus should be safety first:

  • Is it safe to stay in the house?
  • Electrical and "slip and fall" hazards are some of the most prevalent concerns.
  • Only do activities that are safe for you to perform.
  • Wet materials can be VERY heavy. Be careful!

We have some additional tips to share, too! We've shared these before, but they are so important to remind ourselves of. 

What To Do After Flooding

  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
  • Gather loose items from floors.

What NOT To Do After Flooding

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don't leave books, magazines or other colored items on wet carpet or floors.
  • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Don't use television or other household appliances.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging

SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252!

1-4-8 Policy After Water Damage

6/17/2020 (Permalink)

For any job we get called into, we have a policy know as "The 148 Policy." We've got 1 hour to to get into contact with you and set up a time to be there. We've got 4 hours to be on site at your disaster- big or small. And we've got 8 hours to brief the team and get started on getting your home or business back to "Like it never even happened."

This policy helps us hold ourselves accountable and ensure that every customer gets the same treatment and can count on the same phenomenal service that we pride ourselves on. This means that when you call us when water damage strikes your Phenix City, Eufaula or Tuskegee home, you can trust us to be there quick. 

We are here for you. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252!

Cleaning After Water Damage

6/9/2020 (Permalink)

Water damage affects not only the structure of your house but also your belongings. We've posted about this before on our blog, but figured this would be a great time to give you a reminder about how we clean your contents after water damage strikes your home.

SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee understands that your home is more than a structure; your family’s furniture, clothing, keepsakes, and other belongings help transform a house into a home.

We utilize several methods of cleaning your contents, including the following:

  • Dry Cleaning - Used for cleaning light residues or to pre-clean prior to wet cleaning.
  • Wet Cleaning - An effective cleaning method for removing moderate to heavy residues.
  • Spray and Wipe -Effective for items that can’t withstand wet cleaning.
  • Foam Cleaning - Used for upholstery fabrics that might shrink or bleed if wet cleaned.
  • Abrasive Cleaning - Involves agitation of the surface being cleaned. 
  • Immersion Cleaning - Contents are dipped into a bath of the cleaning product. 

You can trust us to take care of not only your home but also your belongings. 

SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252!

IICRC? What Does That Mean?

7/1/2019 (Permalink)

The IICRC is the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification, a non-profit organization for the cleaning and restoration industry. For a brief overview, it consists of standards, certifications, and certified firms. As described on their website, their purpose and mission is;

"The mission of the IICRC is to establish and advance globally recognized standards and certifications for the inspection, cleaning, restoration and installation industries."

As a consumer, IICRC allows you to have peace of mind when knowing who to trust in the restoration industry. We have to follow the industry guidelines and perform the scope of work that we have learned in our IICRC classes & continuing education. With the help of DryBook paired with the standards that IICRC puts out, DryBook tells us how much equipment we can set in a home. This depends on the size and how much material has been affected. Pretty cool, right?!

SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252! 

Speciality Drying Equipment

6/24/2019 (Permalink)

As a water restoration specialist, our job is to mitigate and save as much as we possibly can. We focus on drying and saving rather than removing and replacing. Since this is our focus, we have several pieces of specialty drying equipment that can dry out even the most water bound areas.

For example, we have what we call a mat system. If you have real hardwood floors in your home and you sit on a subfloor, this mat system is perfect for you if your wood floors get wet. We can actually dry the floors, dry the subfloor, and lay the floors back down to their original state should they ever have water damage. This has saved the insurance companies thousands of dollars over the years because the wood floors do not have to be removed.

Another great piece of equipment is our cabinet injectadry. This equipment is what we use to dry out hardwood cabinets. When these get wet, we can set the cabinet injectadry and dry the cabinets out so we do not have to remove them! We are going to do more blogs expanding on our specialty equipment. Make sure to keep checking back to learn more!

SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252!

How Software Aids In Drying Your Home

6/24/2019 (Permalink)

Being a part of a franchise system is truly a blessing (as if we don't say that enough). Through the franchise system, we have certain resources that help us be consistent with following the SERVPRO system.

For example, we have a program called DryBook that our technicians use out on the job site. Through DryBook, all of the paperwork, pictures, and information is captured electronically so we do not have to worry about paper and pen. This is in real time so the minute that they save everything, our team back in the office can pull up the file and make sure they have everything that they need to send to the insurance company.

Workcenter Office helps us track our jobs and lets us know the duration of the job.

With DryBook and Workcenter Office, we can accurately tell a story for the insurance company and document everything that they need to know. 

SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252!

Flooding Tips

5/30/2019 (Permalink)

After any water damage situation, your primary focus should be safety first:

  • Is it safe to stay in the house?
  • Electrical and "slip and fall" hazards are some of the most prevalent concerns.
  • Only do activities that are safe for you to perform.
  • Wet materials can be VERY heavy. Be careful!

What To Do After Flooding

  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
  • Gather loose items from floors.

What NOT To Do After Flooding

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don't leave books, magazines or other colored items on wet carpet or floors.
  • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Don't use television or other household appliances.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging

East Alabama Storms

5/30/2019 (Permalink)

Alabama summer storms will happen. We're here to remind you that we're the number to call when your home or business is affected by flooding from storm damage. 

Do you know what to do in the case that this disaster happens to you? Before we get into a short checklist, save our number in your phone so you can easily give us a call if you find yourself in this situation because we are here to help. 

First, call your insurance agent. 

Second, be careful when you decide to enter your home. Water damage can seriously damage the structure of your home and we want to make sure that you are safe. Once you are inside, continue to move around carefully and be aware of your surroundings. Don't go inside the home if you can see structural damage from the outside. We want you to stay safe!

Third, document everything. Take photos of your own of everything that is going on. You may also consider beginning to take an inventory of the damaged items. Once we arrive, we'll take it from there.

Fourth, don't use appliances in the affected areas and keep power turned off to those areas of your home until an inspection can be done to ensure it is safe for you to do so. Even in the smallest flooding scenario, you could be at risk for a fire if it is behind your appliances.

Last but not least, give us a call quickly so we can quickly mitigate your loss!

What To Expect From Us After Water Damage

5/30/2019 (Permalink)

Way back in the beginning of our blogging days, we took you through the process of what to expect when you give us a call after water damage. We thought it was time to share this information with you all again!

Water damage, small or large, is stressful enough by itself and we understand that here at our SERVPRO office. We want to help you through this process as quickly and as easily as we can. Here are a few steps that we take to ensure that you are well taken care of:

Step 1: You give us a call. We will guide you through the crisis and may ask several questions to help us better understand the equipment and resources that we will need for your job. 

Step 2: Inspection and assessment. We determine the scope of your water damage at this stage. We inspect and test to determine the extent of damage and how far the moisture has traveled to ensure proper and complete restoration.

Step 3: The water removal process begins almost immediately and removes the majority of the water. We use powerful pumps and vacuum units to quickly remove hundreds or thousands of gallons from your property, which helps prevent secondary water damage and mold growth.

Step 4: Drying and dehumidification. We use specialized equipment to remove the remaining water that is harder to access. Our trained Professionals will use room measurements, temperature, and relative humidity to determine the optimal number of air movers and dehumidifiers needed to dry your home or business.

Step 5: Cleaning and sanitizing. We clean all of the restorable items and structures damaged by the water. We are adept at cleaning contents using a number of techniques. Our professionals are trained to provide sanitizing treatments and to remove odors and deodorize your property.

Step 6: Restoration. Restoration is the process of restoring your home or business to its pre-water damage condition. Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall and installing new carpet, or may entail major repairs, such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in a home or business.

You can trust us to get the job done right. Give us a call today. 

 SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252!

Alabama Summer Storms & Flooding

7/3/2018 (Permalink)

Alabama summer storms will happen whether you're in Phenix City, Eufaula or Tuskegee. We're here to remind you that we're the number to call when your home or business is affected by flooding from storm damage. 

Do you know what to do in the case that this disaster happens to you? Before we get into a short checklist, save our number in your phone so you can easily give us a call if you find yourself in this situation because we are here to help. You can reach us at (334) 298-8252. 

First, call your insurance agent. 

Second, be careful entering your home. Water damage can seriously damage the structure of your home and we want to make sure that you are safe. Once you are inside, move around carefully and be aware of your surroundings. 

Third, document everything. Take photos of your own of everything that is going on. You may also consider beginning to take an inventory of the damaged items. 

Fourth, don't use appliances in the affected areas and keep power turned off to those areas of your home until an inspection can be done to ensure it is safe for you to do so. 

Last but not least, give us a call quickly so we can quickly mitigate your loss and clean it up to reduce the potential for mold damage. 

Here's to enjoying our summer! If you have any fun plans, we'd love to hear about them on our social media. Have a great week. 

When Water Damage Hits Your School

5/2/2018 (Permalink)

Flood the rams! (Get it?)

Quite some time ago, a pipe burst at one of our local high schools and caused major water damage. We wanted to make sure that we took the time and wrote a blog about it. Not only did we work through the night to get the job done to get the school back to "Like it never even happened." but we even got to ride along in their homecoming parade (see the photo for their great pun). 

We love being able to serve our local communities. As summer rolls in slowly but surely, make sure to give us a call for any of your Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee schools. We're here to help. You can give us a call at (334) 298-8252. We'll be waiting to get you scheduled. 

Have You Heard of Our 148 Policy?

5/1/2018 (Permalink)

Last year, we wrote a blog covering our 148 policy but we thought reposting a blog to refresh our followers would be perfect since it is so important to our business. For any job we get called into, we have the 148 policy. We've got 1 hour to get into contact with you and set up a time to be there. We've got 4 hours to be on site at your disaster- big or small. And we've got 8 hours to brief the team and get started on getting your home or business back to "Like it never even happened."

This policy allows us to not only hold ourselves accountable but to give all of our employees a base to go off of to ensure our customers are all getting the best customer service possible. You can count on the same phenomenal service that we pride ourselves on. 

24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Give us a call.

What Happens After You Call?

4/27/2018 (Permalink)

Water damage, small or large, is stressful enough by itself and we understand that here at our SERVPRO office. We want to help you through this process as quickly and as easily as we can. Here are a few steps that we take to ensure that you are well taken care of:

Step 1: You give us a call. We will guide you through the crisis and may ask several questions to help us better understand the equipment and resources that we will need for your job. 

Step 2: Inspection and assessment. We determine the scope of your water damage at this stage. We inspect and test to determine the extent of damage and how far the moisture has traveled to ensure proper and complete restoration.

Step 3: The water removal process begins almost immediately and removes the majority of the water. We use powerful pumps and vacuum units to quickly remove hundreds or thousands of gallons from your property, which helps prevent secondary water damage and mold growth.

Step 4: Drying and dehumidification. We use specialized equipment to remove the remaining water that is harder to access. Our trained Professionals will use room measurements, temperature, and relative humidity to determine the optimal number of air movers and dehumidifiers needed to dry your home or business.

Step 5: Cleaning and sanitizing. We clean all of the restorable items and structures damaged by the water. We are adept at cleaning contents using a number of techniques. Our professionals are trained to provide sanitizing treatments and to remove odors and deodorize your property.

Step 6: Restoration. Restoration is the process of restoring your home or business to its pre-water damage condition. Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall and installing new carpet, or may entail major repairs, such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in a home or business.

You can trust us to get the job done right. Give us a call today. 

Water Damage Happens Anywhere

4/23/2018 (Permalink)

Whether it is your home, your business or even your school- water damage doesn't discriminate. We're here to help you get back to "Like it never even happened." 

"April Showers" sure is in full-swing and water damage is a huge concern when flooding is a possibility. We're locally owned and operated so we're close-by when you call. We're also here for you 24/7 so you can give us a call day or night and we'll be there to help you clean up the aftermath of your disaster. 

Our highly trained and uniformed technicians will be there to get the job done. If you find yourself caught in a disaster, don't hesitate to give us a call. We hope you are all having a great week. 

Saving Your Flooring

4/4/2018 (Permalink)

Check out this flooring containment. Underneath is some beautiful heart pine flooring that we were able to save so that the customer didn't have to replace their flooring after their water damage disaster. Here at SERVPRO, we believe in Restore > Replace. We have the equipment, knowledge, and skilled employees to be able to save your flooring.

It is important to hire the professionals for your water damage because if your property is not correctly dried and restored, you are putting your home at a large risk for mold damage as well. You can check out more about our services with mold remediation by clicking the menu options above. 

You can trust us and our employees to get your home or business back to "Like it never even happened."

Flooding Do's and Don'ts

7/6/2017 (Permalink)

What To Do After Flooding

  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
  • Gather loose items from floors.

What NOT To Do After Flooding

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don't leave books, magazines or other colored items on wet carpet or floors.
  • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Don't use television or other household appliances.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging

Leaky Roof

5/9/2017 (Permalink)

Leaky Roof

This customer's home had a leaky roof that had been damaged when a storm hit our town hard. This is only the beginning stages of the restoration process. We accessed where the water was initially coming from and once that was found, we were able to temporarily fix the issue by nailing a tarp into the roof while waiting for our sub-contractor to come out and permanently fix the damage. We were also able to fix the inside of her home that had extensive water damage due to this small leak. Remember, a leak can add up quickly. Trust the professionals. Give us a call as soon as you notice an issue.  


SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252!

Our 148 Policy

5/8/2017 (Permalink)

Backed by over 1,700 franchises- you can trust us.

For any job we get called into, we have a policy. The 148 Policy. We've got 1 hour to get into contact with you and set up a time to be there. We've got 4 hours to be on site at your disaster- big or small. And we've got 8 hours to brief the team and get started on getting your home or business back to "Like it never even happened."

This policy helps us hold ourselves accountable and ensure that every customer gets the same treatment and can count on the same phenomenal service that we pride ourselves on. 

24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Give us a call.

SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252!

Emergency Water Damage

4/28/2017 (Permalink)

Give us a call today.

Here at SERVPRO, we understand that there is never a convenient time for your water damage disaster. It could be when your hot water heater busts at 4AM or it could be when a storm floods your home on Christmas Eve or when your roof leaks in the middle of the day. No matter the time of day, we are here 24/7 to help you during your emergency. While we are on our way to you, check out our blog on some tips when you have water damage. 


SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252!

How We Will Handle Your Water Loss

4/24/2017 (Permalink)

Trust the professionals.

Water damage, small or large, is stressful enough by itself and we understand that here at our SERVPRO office. We want to help you through this process as quickly and as easily as we can. Here are a few steps that we take to ensure that you are well taken care of:

Step 1: You give us a call. We will guide you through the crisis and may ask several questions to help us better understand the equipment and resources that we will need for your job. 

Step 2: Inspection and assessment. We determine the scope of your water damage at this stage. We inspect and test to determine the extent of damage and how far the moisture has traveled to ensure proper and complete restoration.

Step 3: The water removal process begins almost immediately and removes the majority of the water. We use powerful pumps and vacuum units to quickly remove hundreds or thousands of gallons from your property, which helps prevent secondary water damage and mold growth.

Step 4: Drying and dehumidification. We use specialized equipment to remove the remaining water that is harder to access. Our trained Professionals will use room measurements, temperature, and relative humidity to determine the optimal number of air movers and dehumidifiers needed to dry your home or business.

Step 5: Cleaning and sanitizing. We clean all of the restorable items and structures damaged by the water. We are adept at cleaning contents using a number of techniques. Our professionals are trained to provide sanitizing treatments and to remove odors and deodorize your property.

Step 6: Restoration. Restoration is the process of restoring your home or business to its pre-water damage condition. Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall and installing new carpet, or may entail major repairs, such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in a home or business.

You can trust us to get the job done right. Give us a call today. 

 SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252!

Restore vs Replace

4/17/2017 (Permalink)

Don't let water ruin your Phenix City home or business.

Water damage affects not only the structure of your house but also your belongings. SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee understands that your home is more than a structure; your family’s furniture, clothing, keepsakes, and other belongings help transform a house into a home.

We utilize several methods of cleaning your contents, including the following:

  • Dry Cleaning - Used for cleaning light residues or to pre-clean prior to wet cleaning.
  • Wet Cleaning - An effective cleaning method for removing moderate to heavy residues.
  • Spray and Wipe -Effective for items that can’t withstand wet cleaning.
  • Foam Cleaning - Used for upholstery fabrics that might shrink or bleed if wet cleaned.
  • Abrasive Cleaning - Involves agitation of the surface being cleaned. 
  • Immersion Cleaning - Contents are dipped into a bath of the cleaning product. 

You can trust us to take care of not only your home but also your belongings. Don't hesitate to give us a call when disaster strikes your home. 

SERVPRO of Phenix City, Eufaula and Tuskegee is locally owned and operated, so we’re already close by and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We make disaster "Like it never even happened." Give us a call today at (334)-298-8252!

Water Damage Tips

7/5/2016 (Permalink)

An example of water damage from one of our jobs.

After any water damage situation, your primary focus should be safety first:

  • Is it safe to stay in the house?
  • Electrical and "slip and fall" hazards are some of the most prevalent concerns.
  • Only do activities that are safe for you to perform.
  • Wet materials can be VERY heavy. Be careful!

Have A  Water Damage Emergency? Call (334) 298-8252

What To Do After Flooding

  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
  • Gather loose items from floors.

What NOT To Do After Flooding

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don't leave books, magazines or other colored items on wet carpet or floors.
  • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Don't use television or other household appliances.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging